Haley Reed Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How long have you been performing as a pornstar and how did you begin your career in the adult industry?
HALEY REED: I think about 6 years now. I began just by finding an ad and started there.
2. Please share with us a little bit about your heritage or background and where you grew up?
HALEY REED: I grew up in Florida. I’m not 100% of my heritage, but I do have some family from Russian and Canada.
3. What is your favorite thing about being a pornstar?
HALEY REED: The open-minded community and how we tend to have a much more open mind about around sex than most people.
4. If you could change anything in the adult industry, what would you change and why?
HALEY REED: I wish it was more like mainstream film, as far as the professionalism and rights. I think mainstream film is much more organized and had a much higher standard of what is acceptable than porn does.
5. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
HALEY REED: Probably gone sky diving….or that time I almost died white water rafting on Level 5 rapids.
6. We heard you are a talented fire spinner! How long have you been spinning poi and how did you get introduced to it? Have you ever burnt yourself or lit anything on fire by accident?
HALEY REED: I’m alright! I’ve been spinning since I was 17. I was going to a lot of festivals when I was younger and was introduced to it then. I have absolutely burnt myself; I usually burn my hair when I spin! I’ve caught bushes on fire, but always have had a hose or something to put out the fire near me.
7. You’re a gamer too! What’s your console preference and what are your favorite video games? Is there anywhere fans can play with you or watch you stream?
HALEY REED: You’re the second person to say that I’m a gamer. I’m not a gamer, and I’m not sure why everyone thinks that. I have played video games, but I wouldn’t consider myself a gamer.
8. We heard you tried out stripping for a few days but it wasn’t really for you. Please share with us a bit about your experience and why you didn’t personally enjoy working at a stripclub?
HALEY REED: I don’t like having to put on a persona in order to entertain other people. I found it mentally exhausting, and also just didn’t like how many different people I was supposed to “entertain”. I have full respect towards anyone who dances, and I wish I enjoyed it more, but it just wasn’t for me.
9. Would you ever consider doing a featured dancing tour now that you’re an adult superstar with a large and loyal fan base? Do you think a featured dancing tour might be a different experience then your previous stripclub encounter?
HALEY REED: I would love to feature dance, but I just don’t think I could do it! I’m horrible at dancing, and would have no idea what to do up on stage. I would probably just freeze up.
10. What’s your stance on fans if they see you out in public? Do you want them to respectfully come say hello, ask for an autograph or maybe catch a selfie together or do you prefer not to be approached?
HALEY REED: To be honest, it depends on my mood. But I’m a shy person, so I usually don’t like being approached.
11. When you’re not busy filming porn and modeling what do you like to do? Any hobbies, pets or things you can’t live without?
HALEY REED: I’ve taken up cooking recently and have been really enjoying that. I have four pets, so I spend a lot of my free time with them. I love traveling and try to go somewhere at least once a month. And any kind of fun sport (even if I haven’t tried it before), I’m always down to do. Stuff like surfing, snowboarding, wake boarding, and ski diving!
12. Let’s talk sex! What are your biggest turn-ons and what kills the mood for you?
HALEY REED: I think my biggest turn on is just having chemistry with someone. And then once that’s established, I just like to have fun and experiment, and not take it too seriously.
13. What makes you orgasm the hardest?
HALEY REED: My vibrator. LOL
14. What’s your favorite sexual act or position and why?
HALEY REED: I love big anal toys and being fisted, especially by girls.
15. When you masturbate alone completely off camera, what is your go to method for making yourself orgasm?
HALEY REED: My vibrator.
16. Where is your favorite place for a guy to cum?
HALEY REED: Cream pie for sure.
17. What’s your favorite kind of porn scene to film for professional companies and why are they the best for you?
HALEY REED: Gonzo anal, lesbian anal, or girl/girl scenes. (:
18. We’d love to see an official Haley Reed website launch outside of performer subscription platforms. Do you have any plans for this in the future and can fans ever expect an official site?
HALEY REED: I don’t know; it’s not financially feasible for me to create my own platform. I haven’t found a credit card processing company who is willing to charge less than 14% on all transactions, so it’s just not financially logical for me to create my own site right now.
19. Do you have any upcoming appearances, events, business plans or career aspirations or upcoming porn scenes that you can share with us?
HALEY REED: Well, I’ve been shooting a lot this year and have a ton more scenes coming out. I’ve done a couple scenes that were some of my firsts! And I’ve been shooting a ton of girl/ girl scenes this year that are really hot. and I’m excited for you guys to watch them!
20. For the record please state your official social media accounts where fans can keep up to date on everything with you.
HALEY REED: Twitter: @haleyreedX – Insta: @theHaleyReed – OnlyFans/MissHaleyReedx
21. Leave our readers with a true taste of the delicious Haley Reed. If you were ice cream, what flavor would you be?
HALEY REED: Maybe butter pecan because I’m from the South and I’m a little bit nutty. Lol And it’s one of my favorite types of ice cream!
22. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans, our readers or your colleagues in the adult industry?
HALEY REED: Just a big thank you to all of my fans!
Join Adult Time to watch Haley Reed and Jupiter Jetson in “My Husband Brought Home His Mistress #16” with Will Tile from Devil’s Film in this steamy new threesome! Inside Adult Time you will find over 30 porn videos starring sexy pornstar Haley Reed! We’ve partnered with Adult Time to give you a free pass… Take advantage of our free porn offer & get your 7 Day Membership to Adult Time FREE here. It’s like the Netfix of Porn, with 250+ channels, 60,000 scenes and 8+ new releases daily, there’s something for everyone! Watch all of pornstar babe Haley Reed’s porn videos inside!
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Joshua Lewis Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How did you begin your career as a male porn star and how long have you been performing in the adult industry?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I appreciate that so much, but I wouldn’t consider myself a male porn star more so an adult performer [laughs]. Last year, COVID19 definitely changed quite a few things for me. I was going to attend my first year of college at Kent State for fashion design. However, classes were entirely online, and I wasn’t going to get the experience I wanted that way. After taking up a part-time job at FedEx for a month or two, I grew incredibly tired of it and decided I wanted to try out OnlyFans in January of last year. I fully committed to it as adult performing was something I always wanted to do in the back of my head. I made my way down to Vegas from Ohio, where I eventually met and worked with many performers and content creators. Months later, I finally decided to push my career and sign with OC Modeling. I’ve now been shooting for four months, and I absolutely love it.
2. Please share with us a little bit about your heritage and where you grew up?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I grew up in Toledo, Ohio, my entire life. It’s a semi-big city, but each part of it was different. I spent a lot of my childhood moving around, especially since my dad was on active duty in the military. Also, my family is primarily Christian, but my mom, dad, and I never really attended church with the rest of them.
3. In your short time filming for professional companies, you’ve quickly risen to the top and are one of the most requested male talents! Please share with us what you believe has been your recipe to success?
JOSHUA LEWIS: Thank you so much! I’m definitely so thankful to be hired so often and be so well received. I don’t think there’s any clear recipe for success. I believe we all have our own paths that get paved in front of us, and it’s whether we take it or not. I can say that it’s a lot of hard and constant work, not only working on set but keeping up on social media and your own websites. The biggest thing is staying consistent without burning yourself out. Once the gears are rolling, don’t let up because that’ll slowly and surely take you to the top. Also, being professional, respectful, and willing to learn is another extremely important thing. When you’re working on set, you need to think of ways to open up, have sex better for the camera, act on top of this, and put yourself in the scene instead of just with your co-star. I always go on Pornhub or Twitter and look at what other performers are doing, to better my performance. Not only that, when I’m on set, I always try to make sure my co-star and crew is taken care of, whether they need something, if I can help, or simply just listening and taking in that advice for future reference.
4. What advice do you have for men interested in becoming a porn star?
JOSHUA LEWIS: There’s so much advice I could give to a man interested in joining porn. I say the biggest thing is that it’s not all just entirely having sex and having the greatest time. Some days are rough, long, and exhausting. Also, sometimes you need to pull your head out of wherever it is, so that you can be there for a scene. Porn isn’t just somewhere to go and make money. I truly believe it’s something you need to be passionate about, or you’re going to crash hard on your face. It’s consistent, hard work that you can’t really just shut off when you get offset; it feels like A 24/7 job at times, but I think that’s why I appreciate and love it so much.
5. Many men who watch porn fantasize about becoming a porn star but don’t fully understand the reality and difficulties male performers are faced with on a professional set and the amount of raw talent and skill that is required to be a porn stud. There is a lot going on behind the scenes that these men don’t see or think about while watching the finalized productions. Please share with our readers a glimpse into the reality of being on a porn shoot that they may not realize when fantasizing about becoming a male porn star.
JOSHUA LEWIS: Many men fantasize about being a male performer onset; when I was younger, I had those same feelings. There is so much more going on behind the scenes than most would believe; I was even a bit shocked when I learned about how professional sets worked. I think my biggest mistake was that I thought I’d have to have sex for six to eight hours at a time, which is completely false. We start our days usually hanging out when we get there, filling out paperwork, doing sign-ins (model releases, consent, etc.), going through wardrobe, having breakfast, and doing makeup. We spend hours doing dialogue, key shots, repeating the same scene from different angles, and mores until we finally have sex at the end of the day, for maybe an hour, sometimes two.
6. How many women have you had sex with and how many women did you sleep with before entering the adult industry?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I was definitely having a lot of sex with multiple women before I got into the adult industry; triple digits, and I’m not just saying that. I really enjoy having sex, but it didn’t prepare me for all the various positions I’d have to do on set.
7. Are you currently in a relationship?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I’m currently single, and I’m going to keep it that way. I have a running joke that my dick is community property, because of a line from the song “Community Property” by Steel Panther that one of my favorite directors told me about.
8. Please describe your definition of an ideal woman?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I don’t think I really have any definition or perception of an ideal woman. I think any girl willing to communicate with me, support me, and be there for me is all that I would need.
9. What are your biggest turn-ons and what kills the mood for you?
JOSHUA LEWIS: My biggest turn-on is somebody being able to communicate with me. Tell me what you like, what gets you off, how I can please you, and what you don’t like. I hate guessing how somebody is feeling or what would turn them on. I also have a thing for eye contact. It’s really hard to connect with somebody when they look down or not at you when you’re having a conversation. I like seeing that somebody is interested and not just there. Things that kill the mood easily for me are bad manners and bad hygiene immediately. I can’t stand rude and obnoxious people; I’m way too big on treating everyone with respect.
10. Where is the craziest place you have ever had sex?
JOSHUA LEWIS: The craziest place I’ve ever had sex was on the side of a church or in the very back of my high school ex-girlfriend’s mom’s SUV while she was driving.
11. How often do you masturbate when all the cameras are off, just for personal pleasure?
JOSHUA LEWIS: It’s definitely hard to masturbate when all the cameras are off because I work so much. But when I have a couple days off, it’s definitely frequent, because I’m always in the mood and don’t want to cum too fast on set.
12. What’s your go-to routine for staying in shape? In terms of physical activites do you like to go to the gym or play sports or just have a lot of sex?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I don’t currently have a set routine because of my work and travel schedule, so sex is definitely one of the biggest ways I stay in shape. I enjoy going to the gym, hiking, and playing basketball to stay in better shape, when I have the time.
13. Can you cook and what is your favorite cuisine or foods to eat?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I might be one of the worst cooks, but I’m working on it currently. I will say I’m pretty good at making different pastas or cooking on the grill. My favorite foods to eat are chicken enchiladas, grilled cheese, cereal, or fruit.
14. When you are not busy on set filming porn, what do you enjoy doing for fun?
JOSHUA LEWIS: When I’m not on set filming porn, I’m usually at the gym, hiking, hanging out with friends, watching TV, or playing video games.
15. If there was one thing about the adult industry that you could change, what would it be and why?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I would change how looked down upon it is. I know it’s definitely grown more in the past few years, especially with adult performers getting more mainstream roles, but I would like to see it become more mainstream and accepted.
16. You’ve already been on set for a number of the top adult sites, including Brazzers, Reality Kings, Team Skeet, Nubiles, and the list goes on. What companies would you love the opportunity to work with that you haven’t filmed for yet?
JOSHUA LEWIS: There are a couple of companies I would love the opportunity to work with still, and those would be Deeper, Naughty America, MissaX, and Wicked. There are a lot more but those are my top four. Their directors are phenomenal, and I love the work they put out. You can tell how passionate they are about what they film.
17. What are your career aspirations, and where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I want to perform better, whether I’m on set during the acting or sexual portions. I want to become the best male performer I can be, not just for myself but also for everyone I work with and for. I’m sure I’ll be performing for years to come, but I would love to direct or do other things behind the scenes in the next five years.
18. Do you have any scheduled appearances, or events, or upcoming porn scenes releasing soon that you can share with us?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I don’t have any scheduled appearances or events. But I do have a couple of scenes coming out soon for Team Skeet and MYLF. Be on the lookout for other scenes that I have coming out from Adult Time, Nubiles, Reality Kings, and Brazzers as well.
19. For the record, please share with us your official social media accounts.
JOSHUA LEWIS: Twitter: @ joshualewisxxx Instagram: @joshuaaalewisss Reddit: reddit.com/r/joshualewis
20. Leave our readers with a taste of sweet bad boy Joshua Lewis… If you were ice cream, what flavor would you be?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I would be Neapolitan because I’m a mix of everything.
21. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans, our readers or your colleagues in the adult industry?
JOSHUA LEWIS: I would like to say thank you for having me, thank you to my fans for supporting me, thank you to my publicist Erika for making things like this happen, and thank you to my agents OC Modeling for setting me up for success. I would not be here without any of them, and without these interviews, I wouldn’t be able to get myself out there as much.
Check out adult performer Joshua Lewis in one of his hot new porn scenes having sex with hot blonde teen babes Jessie Saint and Lilly Bell as they have a catfight in a hot threesome in “Fighting Over A Blowjob” from the taboo porn site My Family Pies from Nubiles Porn!
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Misha Montana Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How long have you been performing as a porn star and how did you begin your career in the adult industry?
MISHA: I’ve been performing seriously for a little over a year now. I began my career in adult when I started as an adult/fetish model. I’ve always wanted to be in porn, but it took me many years to actually pull the trigger and dive in.
2. Please share with us a little bit about your heritage and ethnicity and where you grew up?
MISHA: I’m American, but I have Russian ancestry and that’s played up quite a bit in some of my projects for AltErotic. I grew up in Reno, Nevada.
3. I love your stage name, Misha Montana. How did you choose it?
MISHA: Thank you! Misha is my actual name and Montana came from a prank I played years ago. I changed my Facebook relationship status to be “married” to the rapper French Montana, and it changed my last name to Montana. After that, the transformation into Misha Montana began.
4. What is your favorite aspect of the adult industry and being a porn star and if you could change anything in the industry what would it be?
MISHA: My favorite thing about adult is the empowerment. We are idols in a bizarre way. It gives you a platform to have an incredible voice, as well as giving you once in a lifetime opportunity that few, if anyone would ever have access to ordinarily. I’m an outspoken advocate and proponent of humanizing the industry, and I’d like to see more compassion and adequate treatment of sex workers.
5. You recently launched your official website with PUBA. Congratulations! That’s really cool and the content you are putting out is awesome. Please share with us what this means to you and a glimpse into your experience creating all the content to prepare for launch.
MISHA: Thank you. I’m extremely honored, humbled, and excited. I wanted my own website my entire career, so this was such a huge accomplishment for me. It’s still surreal to be on a network that also houses the greatest porn stars of all time. I have poured myself into all the projects and content I’ve shot over the last nine months or so. I bring a high-level production quality to my content. It’s very different than the amateur shot scenes I see on a lot of other sites. I have something for everyone on there. I’m going to be bringing exclusives too that can’t be seen anywhere else.
6. You aren’t just a super-hot porn star but you’re also the director of AltErotic! Please share with us some insight and your feelings about your experience directing for AltErotic.
MISHA: Thank you! I’m very proud of that title and I’m the only female director in AltErotic’s history. I think it’s so important that women in this industry are given more representation in a context that they control. Directing gives me the ability to express myself creatively, honestly, and unrestrained. It also gives me the creative freedom to work with talent that otherwise may have been overlooked. I don’t like to boast, but as Production Manager and Chief Brand Officer, most of the talent that was booked in the last year was because I had suggested them. It makes me feel proud to know that my ideas and choices are not only heard, but also appreciated. Directing GlamGonz was the highlight of my life and career, and I have so many more projects coming in 2022.
7. On a more serious note, in Spring 2021 you suffered from a stroke. Your determination, positive attitude and where you are today is truly inspiring. What obstacles have you faced in returning to the adult industry and has this event changed your outlook on life?
MISHA: I’m always happy to hear positive feedback from others about my stroke. From the moment I had full awareness of what was happening and the severity of it, I immediately told myself that I was going to use it for something good. I didn’t know what that meant at the time (and I still don’t necessarily), but I have made it my mission to make an example of myself for others that may feel unworthy, frightened, intimidated, alone, or defeated because of an illness or any other inhibitor. I want to give people a voice and use my platform to provide an example, as well as draw positive attention to the industry, to stroke survivors in general, and to create new narratives. My life is forever changed by this. I consider it a blessing in many ways, but the undeniable damage and difficulties is sometimes overwhelming. Physically, I have a harder time than I once did, and my severe memory loss complicates my professional and personal life. But I manage to work through it, and view it as a challenge, rather than defeat. My multi-award nominated, adult showcase “InkedXXXploitation of Misha Montana” is now being recut into a mainstream documentary, so I really hope that has success and an impact. That’s the single most important project to me this year and probably a definitive moment in my entire career.
8. Are there any stroke awareness words or wisdom as such a strong survivor and icon that you can share with our readers on how to recognize a stroke or what people should know after a loved one has suffered from a stroke? Thank you for sharing.
MISHA: I knew nothing about strokes, before I had one myself. I had never personally known anyone that suffered from one, and my only knowledge of them was the basic understanding that they were serious and mostly affected older people. After having that frightening experience, I think it’s absolutely critical that people understand the warning signs and symptoms to look for if they or someone else is having a stroke. I didn’t understand how important it was to get to the hospital early, and I was fortunate my 10-hour delay didn’t have more serious consequences. Obvious confusion, slurred speech, and facial drooping are all very key signs of a stroke. Time is of the essence to get to a hospital as soon as possible. One in four people will experience a stroke in their lifetime, and often victims are not as fortunate as I was.
I think the most important thing I could tell people living with someone who is a stroke survivor is to be patient. People forget I had a stroke, because I physically recovered so much. But, it’s really frustrating because I’m broken on the inside. I deal with severe memory loss, confusion, depression, and anxiety daily. I enjoy speaking with other survivors, because they are the only ones that really understand what it’s like to be held captive by a stroke. That’s also why I want everyone to understand how difficult it is for me to continue working and speaking out and sharing my experiences. I’m not making an example of myself lightly; it takes everything I have. I want everyone to know and to see that there is life after a tragic event like this. There is strength inside of you that you don’t even realize and don’t ever let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your dreams. Don’t allow negativity to steal your happiness or hold you captive. You can do absolutely anything you put your mind to and always be gentle with yourself and others; you never know what someone is going through.
9. You’ve been hosting a podcast and YouTube vlog 2 Russians 1 America along with your partner and adult director Ivan. Please share with us more about this popular venture and what fans can expect when they tune in.
MISHA: I love hosting the podcast with Ivan and getting to do all the fun, bizarre adventures we embark on. He’ my best friend and we feed off each other’s quirkiness. We have unique perspectives on our topics of discussion. He has over 20 years of experience and amazing stories from the industry. And I want to bring my knowledge and passion for causes outside of the industry. So, it’s a (mostly) harmonious balance. Plus, we’re both Russian, so it gets spicy from time to time. It’s fun, enlightening, insightful, and just downright shocking.
10. Tell us the origin story of your Xeno Kitty brand and how it came to be and where fans can pick up your merchandise!
MISHA: Xeno Kitty came from my alien pussy tattoo. I wanted to create a G-rated brand with a hidden meaning. I love the logo and the merch I have so far. I’m currently working on bringing some really crazy designs to the merch line. Ivan and I are hoping to launch a large-scale merch line this year with various brands under our label. But for now, you can get merch at MishaMontana.com and can place orders through my OnlyFans @mishamontana until my merch page is up and running.
11. We want to know about your ink! I’m a big fan of the alien pussy tattoo, super badass. How many tattoos do you currently have? Which tattoo is your favorite and why?
MISHA: Thank you! I absolutely love the alien pussy tattoo, and it was the most brilliant thing I’ve done for myself and my brand. It also just adds a level to my performances visually that’s unlike any other performer. I have over 30 tattoos. I always try to count but I miss a lot. I honestly have an attachment to all of them for different reasons. My favorites are alien pussy, Gizmo, the barbwire nipple hearts (that Evilyn Ink did while I was fucking Johnny Goodluck), my CandyLand vampire, and “Daddy” on the inside of my lip.
12. When you’re not shooting for your site, directing for AltErotic, recording fun Vlogs and making cool merch, what do you like to do with your spare time?
MISHA: I’m actually constantly working and creating. My timecard never gets stamped out. This is so much more than work to me; it’s my passion. I enjoy creating and I eat, sleep, and breathe my brand. In the limited amount of time that I have and I’m not working, I really love movies and wrestling, so going to a show and getting some sushi is my favorite thing.
13. Let’s talk sex! What are your biggest turn ons and what kills the mood for you?
MISHA: My biggest turn ons are humor, candor, and kindness. From a physical perspective, I really can’t deny how much I love a big fat cock, but personality is far more important to me. There are a lot of big dicks in this world, but being a truly genuine person is a rarity. I’m completely repulsed by arrogance, bad breath, bad kissing, and rudeness.
14. Did you ever have lesbian experiences before entering the adult entertainment industry? Please share with us your first lesbian experience.
MISHA: I have. I have always held an admiration and love for women and their bodies. I started exploring sexually with women in college. To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing, which is ironic since I’m a woman myself and have the same parts. I have a lot more respect for men after having my first lesbian experience, that’s for sure.
15. What makes you orgasm the hardest/best?
MISHA: Attachment and connection are what does it for me. I actually don’t orgasm through intercourse. Often, I prefer to be in my own head, and always cum harder when I’m doing it myself with just my fingers.
16. Can fans ever expect to see you film anal?
MISHA: This is a question that I get regularly. I think the demand is there (or at least the expectation) for me to do anal. I do have plans to do it. I would like to save it for “Texas Asshole Massacre 2,” which Ivan and I are planning on producing and releasing this year. That’s the project I’m most looking forward to and most nervous about, because it’s going to challenge me and push my physical and performing abilities to the limit.
17. How important is chemistry to you on set and how does sex on camera differentiate for you from sex in your personal life when all the cameras are off?
MISHA: For a good scene, chemistry is critical. In scenes that I have a legitimate chemistry with my partner it’s evident. I think it’s definitely possible to fake it, and as a good performer you need to be able to do so. But there’s no denying the magnetism of authentic chemistry; some things you can’t fake. My personal life is very bland compared to what I shoot on camera, but I think that’s normal and healthy. I’ve only had sex with one person this whole year off camera. It’s difficult because there’s always this expectation to be the “performer” in the bedroom or to be a sex machine 24/7. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a nympho by all standards, but I also want to cuddle and watch a movie. There’s no shortage of sex in porn, just real intimacy.
18. Do you have any upcoming appearances, events, business plans or career aspirations you would like to share with us or upcoming porn scenes we can be on the lookout for?
MISHA: I have some great scenes coming soon and a lot of projects with AltErotic this year. Texas Asshole Massacre is one to not miss for sure. I’m planning on putting out a coffee table book of doodles that will benefit stroke research and survivor groups, as well as a novel. I hope to elevate AltErotic further this year, and potentially even start my own independent projects, as well.
19. For the record please share with us your official social media accounts.
MISHA: Instagram: @themishamontana – Twitter @themishamontana – Official Site
20. Leave our readers with a delectable taste of the one and only Misha Montana. If you were ice cream, what flavor would you be?
MISHA: I would say Neapolitan, because you never know what you’re going to get but it’s a little bit of everything.
21. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans, our readers or your colleagues in the adult industry?
MISHA: I’m so grateful for all of my XBIZ and AVN nominations this last year and I’m so grateful to have this career and success so far. I’m excited to bring some amazing, unique, and creative projects to everyone this year. I hope to impact not just the porn industry, but also make a difference in the world, in general. Thank you to my fans and supporters for always staying with me, and embarking on this crazy journey with me. This is just the beginning. Thank you, Porn Corporation, for this thoughtful, insightful interview; it’s been a pleasure.
Join Misha Montana’s Official Site for all of her brand new hardcore exclusive content that you won’t find anywhere else! When you become a member of Misha’s site you also become a member of the PUBA network with over 70+ sites with all the hottest official pornstar websites including Samanta Saint, Jen Hexxx, Marica Hase & many more! Don’t miss out all of sexy superstar Misha Montana’s amazing new porn videos! Get your $1 PASS to access all of Misha now!
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Alina Ali Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How long have you been performing as a pornstar and how did you begin your career in the adult industry?
ALINA ALI: I started out in the industry just by going out and meeting the right people. I believe it was meant for me. I’ve been in about a year and a half.
2. Please share with us a little bit about what growing up in New Orleans was like for you?
ALINA ALI: Growing up in New Orleans was a lot of culture and was like being in a melting pot. It was incredible experiencing all of the parades, food, nice people, second line dancing, and making marriages a parade. It was a lot of lovely high energy.
3. We pride ourselves as foodies and Creole is one of our most loved cuisines. Being a NOLA babe, we just have to ask, can you cook Creole or Cajun cuisine? What are your favorite foods/dishes from Louisiana?
ALINA ALI: I LOVE TO COOK! Now, I don’t eat meat too much anymore, but I love to cook me red beans, gumbo, vegan charbroiled oysters, white beans hit the soul, and you can never go wrong with some catfish or etouffee! Those are all my favorite meals.
4. While we are on the subject of Louisiana, do you have any crazy Mardi Gras stories that you can share with us?
ALINA ALI: Baby, I been to way too many Mardi Gras to be able to tell y’all my one favorite story.
5. You’ve only been performing on screen for just over a year and you have skyrocketed in popularity and status. What advice can you give to new models for their first year to be successful in this industry?
ALINA ALI: Stay humble. Stay persistent. Don’t fold under pressure. Diamonds are made under pressure, Boo!
6. Prior to performing on film as a pornstar you were an exotic dancer. Are there any gentleman’s clubs where fans can currently catch you feature dancing or can we expect to see you limelighting at clubs in the future?
ALINA ALI: As of right now, no! But look forward to it!
7. Congratulations on the launch of your first NFTs. Please share with us a little bit about your NFTs and why fans should get them while they’re hot!
ALINA ALI: I just had my first drop with CumRocket and it was 6 Halloween-themed NFTs. Check them out at cumrocket.io/alinaali. You can buy them on auction and bid them or do Buy It Now and pay for them in $CUMMIES. And they’re highly collectible which I really like.
8. I adore your new scene in Wicked’s latest Axel Braun release Foxy Ladies. You looked stunning skinny dipping in the pool and through-out the hardcore scene with Jay Romero. Please share with us a bit about your experience filming Foxy Ladies.
ALINA ALI: Filming foxy ladies was so cool! I had my full fro fur bed fantasy, and it was amazing. I love shooting for Axel Braun, and I always praise him and his work. I love fucking Jay and filming the scene was so smooth for us.
9. When you’re not on set filming porn and dropping NFTs what do you like to do in your spare time?
ALINA ALI: I like to cook, travel, adventure, dance, laugh, hit some yoga poses, and just be.
10. How long have you been going to the shooting range? What’s your favorite gun to fire at the range and do you own any firearms?
ALINA ALI: AHHHHH! I haven’t gone that many times, but I fucking love to shoot! You guys did your research. I don’t own a gun yet! But I want an AR-15. It’s the first thing I shot that I really liked. Plus it’s super precise. That’s my jizz.
11. Alina, what is the craziest thing that you have ever done?
ALINA ALI: Craziest thing i’ve ever done is become a successful porn star! I didn’t know this was going to be such hard work but I did it!
12. What are your turn-ons and what kills the mood for you?
ALINA ALI: My turn ons are taking time to figure me out, touch and feel and move slowly. Give me the foreplay, because dicks are always hard in the presence of a beautiful ass bitch. And not doing these things will definitely turn me off.
13. How often do you masturbate and what is your go-to method for making yourself orgasm?
ALINA ALI: HITACHI HITACHI HITACHI! I masturbate whenever my pussy is throbbing, so I guess pretty often.
14. What gives you the best orgasms?
ALINA ALI: Fingering is honestly the fastest way to get me to cum, and fingers have always just made me have the hardest orgasms.
15. Have you ever had anal sex in your personal life and can we expect to see you perform anal in the future in your porn videos?
ALINA ALI: I have in my personal life and am thinking about doing some soon on camera. But CHOICES…you feel me?
16. What are your feelings on double penetration and gangbangs? Is that something your fans will ever see from you?
ALINA ALI: I dig the idea of DP and gangbangs seem a lot of fun. I hope you guys will see one or the other very soon!
17. Would you ever fuck a fan?
ALINA ALI: Yes, and I’m basically fucking one now.
18. Do you have any upcoming appearances, events or business plans in the works? Please share with us any exciting upcoming porn scenes that you have shot that haven’t been released yet so fans can be on the look-out!
ALINA ALI: I always have scenes coming out. I’ve shot a lot of stuff that hasn’t been released. Check my social media for all of the content I have coming out and stuff that is already available. I promote everything I do super hard.
19. For the record please share with us your official social media accounts.
ALINA ALI: Instagram is @theofficialalinaali and Twitter is @thealinaalixxx.
20. Leave our readers with a true taste of the delicious and one and only Alina Ali. If you were ice cream, what flavor would you be?
ALINA ALI: I’d be butter pecan with caramel drizzle, whipped cream, & a cherry on top.
21. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans, our readers or your colleagues in the adult industry?
Catch all of Alina Ali’s hot new porn scenes! See her in the brand new 6 episode series Project DTF from Reality Kings out this week [view more here] and the finale of Wicked’s Foxy Ladies [view her scene here] plus catch Alina Ali in 8K VR as a naughty office hotties from VR Bangers [see Alina Ali in virtual reality here]. Get your $1 PASS to All Black X to watch smoking hot New Orleanian babe Alina Ali in hot sex with Isiah Maxwell as shown in the photos of this interview. Join X Empire for full access to 5 amazing 4K porn sites including Hard X, Erotica X, Lesbian X, Dark X & All Black X!
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See more of babe Alina Ali. Previous: Project DTF: Reality Kings Pornstar Orgy House
More mentioned in this interview: Alina Ali Stars In The Finale Of Wicked’s Foxy Ladies
Read more articles ft. All Black X. Previous: Bubblebutt Babe GoGo Fukme Twerks On His Dick
Violet Myers Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How long have you been performing in the adult industry and how did you begin your career?
VIOLET MYERS: Since 2018, so about 4 years now.
2. Please share with us a little bit about your heritage and where you are from?
VIOLET MYERS: I’m from Southern California, and I’m of Mexican/Turkish descent.
3. Violet, you are everyone’s favorite real life hentai girl so let’s talk anime! What are your favorite anime shows and why are they your favorite?
VIOLET MYERS: I’m everyone’s favorite Thicc Waifu. My favorite is torn between Naruto and Miss Kobayashi because I love wholesome and action anime. Those are two shows I can always rewatch and never get tired of.
4. Do you watch hentai porn? Do you have a favorite hentai genre, movie or site?
VIOLET MYERS: I’d much rather read hentai, but sometimes I will dabble into some hentai.
5. What about manga? Do you have any favorite comics or series to read or ones to suggest for people interested in reading manga?
VIOLET MYERS: My favorite has to be anything written by Junji Ito; he’s a horror manga artist.
6. We know you’re an avid gamer and Twitch streamer. Where can people find you gaming [console preference, Twitch/gamer handle] and what are your favorite video games to play?
VIOLET MYERS: My twitch handle is @violetmyersxxx. Just started getting back into gaming with my PC and I love it during my free time.
7. We saw you have a pretty lit YouTube page & following and we watched your latest video filmed at Universal Studios. Do you have any upcoming cool vlog ideas or plans for new YT videos you are going to post soon or would like to film in the future?
VIOLET MYERS: Yes, every trip I have I like to vlog and bring my fans and audience with me, so they can relive those memories from my point of view.
8. Between the awesome snacks at Universal and your HornyPizzaGurl handle on IG I’m getting the feeling you are a bit of a foodie! [We are definitely big foodies over here at Porn Corp!] What are your favorite foods?
VIOLET MYERS: I LOVE PIZZA but I really love just anything Mexican or sushi. Those are my favorite types of foods.
9. Are you a good cook? What’s your favorite at home recipe/meal?
VIOLET MYERS: I would say I’m a great cook; literally all of my friends brag about my cooking. My favorite thing to cook is anything healthy but also savory. I love making Mediterranean salads with a protein and healthy dessert.
10. How do you stay in such great shape? What’s your go to work out routine?
VIOLET MYERS: I work out 5 times a week and my go to workout is anything with legs.
11. When you are not busy filming porn, vlogging, streaming, gaming or watching anime, what do you like to do? Any other hobbies or passions?
VIOLET MYERS: I love to just chill and do nothing.
12. What are your biggest turn ons and what kills the mood for you?
VIOLET MYERS: Turn ons are scents; I love cologne and perfume. Turn off are small minded and not so bright people; I’m attracted to intelligence.
13. What’s your favorite sexual act or position and what makes you orgasm the hardest?
VIOLET MYERS: Doggy and Blowjobs. I love cumming with a vibrator.
14. How far have you gone sexually? We’ve seen you in anal [Correction: Anal fingering and teasing only, my apologies Violet!] and BBG threesomes, can we expect to see you in any double penetration or gangbang films in the future?
VIOLET MYERS: I’VE NEVER DONE ANAL. And yes in the future when I’m ready, but no pressure to rush into everything.
15. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
VIOLET MYERS: Nothing crazy just honestly. But taking two big dicks is pretty crazy to think about.
16. What’s your opinion on the latest Only Fans news that they are banning sexually explicit content after building their brand and popularity off the content of sex workers?
VIOLET MYERS: It’s unfortunate; I am glad they kept adult content, but I don’t trust that they won’t do this again.
17. We saw you attended Exxxotica Chicago in July. Do you have any plans for upcoming appearances or events that you can share with us where your fans can connect with you?
VIOLET MYERS: Yes, I’ll be at the Miami and New Jersey shows!
18. For the record please share with us your official social media accounts.
VIOLET MYERS: Instagram: @WAIFUVIOLET – Twitter: @violetsaucy – YouTube @WaifuViolet – Twitch: @violetmyersxxx – Onlyfans.com/violetmyers
19. Leave our readers with a taste of the delicious Violet Myers… If you were ice cream what flavor would you be?
VIOLET MYERS: If I was ice cream, I would be a Mexican vanilla with strawberry/chocolate swirl, only because those are my favorite flavors.
20. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans, our readers or your colleagues in the adult industry?
VIOLET MYERS: Thank you for your support! I love you guys!
Watch this hot video starring busty all natural Latina goddess Violet Myers in My Girlfriend’s Busty Friend with Brick Danger now! Join Naughty America for all the hottest pornstars in hardcore sex inside in HD, 4K, VR, AR & Mobile! Save BIG for Labor Day & enjoy #MyersMonday with Violet Myers inside Naughty America at 40% off!
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More recent interesting Pornstar Interviews: Liv Revamped – Tru Kait – Lauren Phillips
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View more Violet Myers. Previous: Busty Violet Myers Is So Hot He Cums Twice!
Liv Revamped Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How long have you been performing in the adult industry and how did you begin your career as a pornstar?
LIV REVAMPED: I did my very first porn scene September 3, 2011. It’s the day before my birthday. So as soon as I turn 30 this year, it’ll mark officially an entire decade as a performer. I got into porn through a friend of mine who was recruiting girls.
2. Please share with us a little bit about your heritage, ethnicity and where you grew up?
LIV REVAMPED: I’m multiracial. I’m Native American (Yaqui), Mexican, Greek, German, Filipina, English and Black. I was born in California but raised in Oregon.
3. What are your favorite and least favorite parts about being a pornstar and working in the adult industry?
LIV REVAMPED: The best thing about being in adult films is that I can control my career and my time; no one tells me what to do and I can make time for the things and people that mean the most to me. The downside to being a performer is the constant stigma that we as sex workers must put up with. But I’m strong and I only surround myself with people who support me and my craft.
4. Do fans ever recognize you on the street or out in public? If they do, is it cool with you for them to come up to and respectfully say hello and introduce themselves?
LIV REVAMPED: If they do, they rarely admit to it. Sometimes I get the stares, and sometimes people will contact me later asking me if I’m wearing “X” and was seen at “Y.” I’d love for more fans to actually say hi to me, as long as they’re being respectful.
5. When you’re not busy on set filming the hottest new porn what do you like to do and what keeps you busy?
LIV REVAMPED: I cherish my “me-time.” I enjoy sitting at home and binge watching my favorite show, while cuddling with my small pack of dogs. They’re my fur babies, and I love spending every waking moment with them.
6. You’re in great shape Liv! What’s your fitness routine? Do you prefer to hit the gym or go for a hike or another form of exercise such as sports?
LIV REVAMPED: To be honest, I haven’t been to the gym in a couple years due to COVID. Instead, I take frequent walks when doing my errands or hanging out with my dogs. I do morning and evening yoga to feel refreshed. I’ll swim laps in my pool during the summer. And I go on a lot of hikes during autumn and winter. When I was younger, I was involved in a lot of sports and athletics, but these days not so much. I just try to eat correctly and take myself outside when I can.
7. Speaking of sports… We saw a sneak peek of you as the new Lola Bunny for the Sparks Entertainment cosplay parody for Space Jam! That’s truly awesome! Please tell us a little bit about this epic upcoming parody!
LIV REVAMPED: Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to say too much since the director likes to surprise his audience, but I can say that it’s going to be really naughty, erotic and fun! And it just got released this week so go watch it.
8. In your opinion what do you think about the desexualization of Lola Bunny in the new mainstream film Space Jam? Was it the right move to remove the objectification or do you feel that this takes away from Lola’s iconic smoldering character?
LIV REVAMPED: Considering she’s a family cartoon character, I think desexualizing Lola Bunny was a brave and smart move by the creators. That way families could actually enjoy her as a character, instead of being picked apart by non-approving or horny adults.
9. Luckily for adults, you bring the heat as Lola Bunny and give us a smoldering performance as the bad NSFW bunny some people are dying to see! What was your experience on set like filming the new Space Jam porn parody?
LIV REVAMPED: It was very interesting. I knew going in that some may not approve of my specialization of the popular character, however that’s the beauty of both cartoons and porn. You’re allowed to be creative and maybe even somewhat “looney.” Most people had a crush on Lola Bunny, and for some of those people Lola Bunny was even their sexual awakening. Now I get to be a part of that fantasy.
10. Give us a taste of your tastes Liv! What’s your favorite food? Do you prefer to cook, go out or order in?
LIV REVAMPED: I’m an absolute foodie. I love almost anything and everything. Mexican food, Japanese food, seafood, steak, and Italian food…I could go on forever. I cook at home, but I’m not chef. I might prepare a quick healthy meal, but it’s nothing like what I can get at a nice restaurant.
11. We hear you’re a gamer! What video games are you into? What’s your platform preference and is there somewhere gamers can find you? E.G. Twitch or your gaming handle?
LIV REVAMPED: I used to be a heavy competitive player on Destiny and Destiny 2. Growing up, I played a lot of Halo and FPS, when times were simpler, and it used to just be pure fun. However, a lot of games and the way they’re created can be overly complicated or just greedy. I had to stop playing Destiny 2 because now every time they release a “season”, you must purchase it separately like a DLC. And you don’t get anything in return. No new weapons, hardly any new maps (and no good ones), and they keep making desirable items even harder to obtain. I quit after a 10-hour raid that my friends and I weren’t even able to complete. So, now I play Sims 4, when I have time to kill.
12. You were planning to attend Hard Summer this year. Did you go and enjoy it? Are you planning on going to any more festivals this year fans might catch you at?
LIV REVAMPED: I went to Hard Summer Day 2. Although it was nice, I do feel as though I’ve been to better festivals. I definitely plan on going to EDC 2021. And I’m trying to go to Nocturnal Wonderland in September.
13. Liv, you are well known as a purveyor of 420. What’s your flavor preference and do you have any smoking rituals?
LIV REVAMPED: I don’t know if I have a particular strain or flavor preference. It changes with my tolerance. I prefer Hybrids or Indicas, but lately I’ve been splurging on Sativas. I have a weed pen for travel purposes, but I prefer bongs. They’re cleaner hits (in my opinion), smoother, and get your higher quicker with less weed.
14. What are your biggest turn-ons and what kills the mood for you?
LIV REVAMPED: I’m heavy into good foreplay. Kissing, touching, cuddling, teasing, and even edging. I love getting to the point that you have to rip each other’s clothes off. I don’t like people who are over eager or aggressive. I think aggressive people in the bedroom, unprompted, are dangerous.
15. What’s your favorite sexual act or position?
LIV REVAMPED: I like any position where I can comfortably play with myself. I really enjoy clitoral stimulation when I’m being fucked. And if I have a butt plug in too, it’s GAME OVER!
16. We know you film both amazing lesbian and hardcore scenes. Do you prefer having sex with men or women more and is the answer the same for on set as in your personal life off camera?
LIV REVAMPED: I’m bisexual, so the simple answer is I like working with people who are sexually attracted to me. Period. I like having sex with people who want to fuck me.
17. What makes you orgasm the hardest?
LIV REVAMPED: Vaginal penetration with a vibrator and a butt plug. Being airtight is one of my favorite sensations, and I can orgasm within minutes.
18. What’s the craziest thing that you have ever done?
LIV REVAMPED: I’m not exactly the most adventurous when it comes to taking risks or doing anything too crazy. I’ve been caught by the cops fucking in public numerous times. I’ve been pushing my luck since I was 17. So, I’m trying not to go too far. As for craziest, maybe fucking in a baseball field dugout at night overlooking the LA Harbor lights. Much more romantic than it was “crazy.”
19. For the record please share with us your official social media accounts.
LIV REVAMPED: Twitter @livrevamped IG @bish.izbak Official site: Livrevamped.com
20. Leave us with a true taste of the delicious Liv Revamped… If you were ice cream what flavor would you be?
LIV REVAMPED: Mango THC. It would definitely be THC-infused sorbet.
21. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans, our readers or your colleagues in the adult industry?
LIV REVAMPED: I honestly would not have come this far without the love and support of the friends and fans who have been with me the last 10 years. It sounds cliche, but it’s genuine. I almost quit after three or four years in porn, because I felt like my career was plateauing. I took a brief break, and as soon as I came back everyone was still there waiting for me. For that, I say thank you. I hope I keep impressing you all.
Watch sexy pornstar Liv Revamped inside Devil’s Film in the brand new release “Don’t Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend #12” with stud Alex Mack in this wild anal cheating porn video! See more of Liv’s brand new scenes inside Devil’s Film! Join for full access to Adult Time with over 250 channels, 60,000 scenes and 8+ new releases daily!
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See more Liv Revamped. Previous: GIRLCORE: New 80’s Style Lesbian Story Porn Site
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Lauren Phillips Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How long have you been performing in the adult industry and how did you begin your career as an entertainer?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I’ve been in the adult industry for 9 yrs now, and I started out as a cam model performing Amateur/Pro porn.
2. Are you still actively performing on cam and if so where can your fans find you streaming or are you strictly shooting professional porn now?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I’m a part-time cam model on Chaturbate. If I’m not shooting, I usually stream on Thursday through Sunday between 10am to 2pm PST/1pm to 5pm EST. My streaming link is LaurenPhillips.live.
3. We know you’re a Jersey girl! Please tell us a little bit about your life before becoming an adult icon and what your life was like growing up on the East Coast?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: When I was living in Jersey, I was still in my early 20s and trying to find my way in life. I went to college like I was supposed to, but I bounced around from job to job as I tried to support my dancing career. I worked as a nanny, preschool teacher assistant, dance teacher, massage therapist, and much more. I love Jersey and my friends that are there. My life before porn helped make me who I am today.
4. What is your favorite part about being a pornstar?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I love being on set and shooting. I love the crew and the setting of shooting professional porn. We are like a tight family.
5. If you could change anything about the adult industry, what would it be?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I wish you had to be 21+ to be in the adult industry, because it changes your life forever. Is there a life after porn?
6. When you are not on set filming porn what do you enjoy doing with your time? Any hobbies or obsessions?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I work a lot and have a whole other side of my job to run. I try to schedule time with friends and family. Currently, I found a love for painting. I enjoy going to wine and painting classes when I can.
7. How did the pandemic and worldwide lockdowns change work for you and are things different now than pre-pandemic or would you say it’s back to normal in the adult business with vaccinations and regular testing underway?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I don’t think everything is completely back to normal, but the pandemic did challenge me to focus on my passive income, which is one of my goals.
8. We know you are so much more than just a pornstar, you are an avid gamer too! What are your favorite video games and if we are lucky, where can we catch you playing?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I love anything horror! You can find me on Twitch. I’m trying to have a set schedule of Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 2 pm PST/5pm EST, but I’m still working out the details. My link for streaming is LaurenPhillips.tv.
9. We saw you recently released an NFT and it sold out nearly instantly! Please dish about your NFT and if you are planning on selling anymore in the future?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I actually took a long time to think about NFT and Cumrocket was just a great company that took the time to make me feel comfortable. I will be releasing another NFT soon!
10. Our readers are big fans of parody and cosplay. You fill the prestigious role of Batgirl in the new launch of Sparks’ Entertainment. We have to know… How did it feel to put on the Batsuit?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I love cosplay and playing batgirl. Harry Sparks is great to work with, and I just love Daisy Ducati who played Catwoman. Can’t wait for another experience!
11. Please tell us a little bit more about your experience shooting the Batgirl VS. Catwoman parody alongside Daisy Ducati for Sparks’ Entertainment?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I don’t want to give the video storyline away. You have to see it for yourself, but the team was amazing. Harry Sparks is great about bringing his vision to life with the help of Daisy, MadCreativity, and me. It’s all about teamwork.
12. Do you think we can expect to see more of you as Batgirl in Sparks’ Entertainment’s upcoming parodies? We would love to see a sequel!
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I hope so! Fingers crossed!
13. Are you personally a fan of the Batman franchise? If we did see a sequel of you, Lauren Phillips as Batgirl from Spark’s Entertainment what fictional character or characters of the DC multiverse would you like to co-star with and in what kind of scene?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I love the DC universe… I’m open to all types of scenarios. The sky’s the limit, right?
14. Let’s get to the dirty details! What is your favorite sexual position or act?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I love missionary with my feet behind my head.
15. What are your biggest turn-ons and what makes you orgasm the hardest?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I love being grabbed and rough sex is my jam!
16. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? Both sexually and non-sexually speaking?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: Depends on what your definition of crazy is. LOL
17. Please share with us a quirk or little piece of information that most people don’t know about you, a small part that makes you who you are that we don’t see watching your videos?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I am pretty OCD and have an A-type personality.
18. What’s your love life status? Is there anyone special or are you single?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I’ve been married to Jonathan Morgan since December 2020.
19. Would you ever fuck a fan or have you previously?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: Yes to both questions. Don’t forget Team BJ!
20. You have become incredibly successful and many admire your professionalism and hard work ethic. What is your advice for models just beginning their career as a new pornstar?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I would tell them to take a moment to think about if they want to do this, because the adult industry is a lifestyle and career. You need to know what you want and give yourself space to grow.
21. Please share with us any relevant upcoming events or appearances, business plans, or career aspirations. Are you currently working on any other projects that you can let us in on or have any unreleased scenes upcoming we can keep our eyes out for?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I MIGHT be attending NightMoves and Exxxotica NJ at the end of the year, but I haven’t fully made a decision yet. We will see what 2022 will bring us.
22. Where can your fans find more of you online? Please share with our readers your official social media accounts!
LAUREN PHILLIPS: You can get all of my links at LPLinkz.
23. Leave us with a true taste of the delicious Lauren Phillips… If you were ice cream, what flavor would you be?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I would be strawberry gelato.
24. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans, our readers or your colleagues in the adult industry?
LAUREN PHILLIPS: I would love to thank everyone that inspires, supports, and believes in me. It means so much to me!
Looking for the sizzling new parody of Lauren as Batgirl? You can watch Lauren Phillips and Daisy Ducati as Batgirl VS. Catwoman in the new Sparks Entertainment parody at the new site!
Looking for Lauren’s hottest hardcore new scene? Check out Lauren Phillips’ brand new 6K VR porn scene in My First Sex Teacher from Naughty America in “You Need An A in Ms. Lauren Phillips’ Class And She Wants Your Big Cock In Her Pussy As A Trade!”
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View more of babe Lauren Phillips. Previous: Busty MILF Lauren Phillips Pleasures Her Pussy
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Nathan Bronson Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How long have you been performing in the adult industry and how did you begin your career as a pornstar?
NATHAN BRONSON: I’ve been in for 3 1/2 years. My very first scene was for Nuru Massage. It was directed by Barrett Blade, and the female performer was Tiffany Watson.
2. Where were you born and what was it like growing up for you? Does your family support your choice of profession?
NATHAN BRONSON: I was born in Long Beach California. My sister knows, but I’m still not 100% sure if my parents know. Although, I think it might be one of those things where they know, don’t want to talk about it, and don’t want to tell me how they found out.
3. When did you know you wanted to be a porn performer? Have you always been a natural born stud and a ladies man?
NATHAN BRONSON: I never really thought about being a porn performer. Like every guy, I wanted to try it, but for me, it was more about proving that I was able to do it. When I was younger, I wasn’t much of a ladies man. So, it took a while for me to calm down with my ADD enough for girls to not find me annoying.
4. How did you select your porn stage name?
NATHAN BRONSON: My name was because of a cartoon character name Nathan. I picked Bronson was because I had just watched a documentary on Britain’s most expensive inmate, and his last name was Bronson.
5. Prior to your popularity & profession in adult. What did you do for work?
NATHAN BRONSON: My jobs before were chef and or line cook, all well as a stunt man. Even when it gets slow in adult, I go back to doing these things.
6. If a man wants to get into the adult business, what advice can you provide and what would you suggest to do to become a male pornstar?
NATHAN BRONSON: I would say move to the L.A. area and try to find an agency that will give you a chance. Once you get those things down, be on time, be nice to the girls (even when they’re not nice to you), and be polite to everyone on set (even if you’re having a bad day).
7. You have quickly risen in the adult business as one of the top male stars and you are currently one of the hottest and most requested male performers! What tips can you give to new male performers to achieve that kind of success?
NATHAN BRONSON: The answers for this are pretty much the same as the last question. Be polite to everyone, say thank you for the work, and try always to smile even when the day sucks. Also, eat right, workout, and stretch.
8. People tend to underestimate the raw amount of talent and hard work that goes into your job as a male pornstar. Please share with our readers the reality of being a male performer. How hard is it to stay in character and maintain stamina during a shoot? What else does the job entail and what is happening behind the scenes that viewers do not see?
NATHAN BRONSON: The biggest thing that I never thought about doing this job before I got into it was the mental strain. It’s not just going to bang a girl out. You have to remember that this is now your job, and if you can’t do your job you well, you’ll be fired. If you don’t open up enough, the camera guy can’t see the penetration. If you can’t cum on time they probably won’t want you back on set. Also, if you had a bad day, your grandma died the night before, or you’re really stressed out at home, you still have to get your dick up that day. At the same time, you’re trying to do a good job to make sure the girl has fun. So, it’s not nearly as glamorous as people make it out to be.
9. You shoot a wide variety of straight porn scenes from vanilla to BDSM to gangbangs and the list goes on. What are your favorite type of scene to shoot and why?
NATHAN BRONSON: It really depends on the mood that I’m in and the girl I’m working with. Let’s say I was working with Brooklyn Gray. I’d love to do a BDSM scene, where I am smacking her around, tying her up, and I’m fucking her as hard as possible. And, she likes that. I’d love to do a romantic scene with Athena Faris, because I think we would look really good together in that kind of scene.
10. How many scenes have you shot up to date?
NATHAN BRONSON: I’m not 100% sure, but I think it’s over 300. And that doesn’t include content shoots.
11. How many women have you slept with? How many women did you sleep with before becoming a porn stud?
NATHAN BRONSON: I was in the triple digits before I got into porn, so now I’m not even sure now.
12. What is your favorite sexual position or act?
NATHAN BRONSON: Off set, it’s missionary. I want the person as close to me as possible. On set, it really depends on what we’re having sex on, whether it’s a couch, the floor, a bed, a counter, or a toilet. I have favorite positions for every scenario.
13. Please share with us what turn-ons and what kills the mood for you?
NATHAN BRONSON: For me, it’s literally just a girl with a good attitude, someone who wants to be on set, and doesn’t act like she doesn’t want to be there.
Oh, and if any of you girls reading this want to make sure the scene goes well for us…when you come to work, and I’m there, just be like “that’s my dick the next couple hours.” And, see if things don’t work out great for you.
14. How important is chemistry on set and how does sex on camera and off camera in your personal life differentiate for you?
NATHAN BRONSON: It really depends on the scene and the kind of realism you want to bring the camera. If you just want to see me being me, the chemistry doesn’t need to be there, but if there are acting and romance, it will help. And, sex with me off-camera is 100% different, because I can focus more attention on the girl.
15. Are you currently in a relationship [if so, who’s the lucky lady?] or are you living the single life? How does being a male pornstar effect dating and your love life?
NATHAN BRONSON: I am dating the lovely Kira Noir. This job brings up struggles in relationships, but they are all just things you have to get through…just like any other relationship.
16. We know you have worked as a chef prior to being a pornstar. Do you enjoy cooking for your girlfriend and what do you like to cook?
NATHAN BRONSON: I love cooking for my girlfriends, and I love cooking for my girl now. It depends…if it’s a nice sunny day out, I want to be barbecuing or smoking meat. If it’s cold outside, maybe a stir fry with some spicy peppers in it to warm your bones. But in the end, I’ll cook whatever you want.
17. Would you ever do a fuck-a-fan contest for your fangirls?
NATHAN BRONSON: Oh, fuck yeah. I’d fuck my fans. They deserve it for sticking with me this long.
18. When you are not on set filming porn what do you like to do for fun and what does the typical day in the life of Nathan Bronson [off set] look like?
NATHAN BRONSON: I like to learn new things. Yesterday, I started my day off with a CrossFit class, then came home and built a planter for a garden, because I want fresh herbs for my food. Then, I went to a sauna and ice bath place, and was there for an hour or two, before I came back home cook myself some food. After that, I went to do jiu jitsu and muay thai and went back to my girl’s house and watched a movie.
19. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
NATHAN BRONSON: There is a long list, because I did stunt work for a long time. I also used to get in a lot of fights at concerts. So, it’s kind of hard to think of what the craziest thing out of all the shit that I’ve done is. Maybe, getting lit on fire a bunch of times, or that one time I slapped a cop. Who knows, being young is silly.
20. What was your job as a stuntman like? Did you have to repel off buildings, fill in for fight scenes or do motorcycles chases? Do you think that anything you learned in that profession has helped you succeed in the adult industry?
NATHAN BRONSON: I have done five-story free falls, jumped out of planes, done fight scenes where I’ve gotten kicked in the head multiple times, and been thrown against walls. It is definitely helps that I keep my cool onset when things go wrong.
21. Are you filming any upcoming scenes right now you can share with us? Please tell us about your upcoming events, business plans and career aspirations. Are you currently working on any other or projects that you can let us in on?
NATHAN BRONSON: I did just get done filming a feature for Jacky St. James with the lovely Mona Wales and Athena Faris. Hopefully soon, I’ll be able to reveal a site that I’m helping put out. Also, I have a couple of business ventures that my fans will be able to be included in, but nothing I can talk about right now.
And, I’m relaunching my YouTube Channel @CookingwithNathan so hopefully in a month or two you’ll be having videos out every week.
22. Can your fans ever expect to see an official Nathan Bronson website?
NATHAN BRONSON: Yeah, I’m sure that will launch in the future. I’m still trying to work on building up the sites that I have now and my fan base.
23. Where can your fans connect with you currently? Please share with us your official social media accounts.
NATHAN BRONSON: You can find me at Twitter @Nathan_Bronson, Instagram @nathanbronson6.6.6, SextPanther @Nathan-Bronson, Pornhub, and my YouTube Channel: Hanging with Nathan.
24. Leave our readers with a true taste of the delectable and delicious Nathan Bronson. If you were ice-cream, what flavor would you be?
NATHAN BRONSON: Sherbet, because every day is different and I’m always changing flavors in your mouth.
25. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers, your fans or your colleagues in the adult industry?
NATHAN BRONSON: To all my colleagues, my hat is off to you for being able to do a job that people don’t think is difficult, but I we all know can be extremely difficult sometimes. To all my fans, thank you so much for being there for me in the good the bad. I hope I can keep putting out amazing work for you, so you’ll never be bored.
Check out Nathan Bronson’s newest release in the feature film from Jacky St. James in Forbidden Affairs Volume 11 starring Nathan in 2 steamy sex scenes with MILF Mona Wales and 2019 AVN trophy girl Athena Faris only at Sweet Sinner! Celebrate Black Friday & get a $1 PASS now to Sweet Sinner and Nathan Bronson’s hot brand new porn scenes!
Continue in the Pornstar Interviews category or return to cover of Porn Corporation magazine.
More Nathan Bronson. Previous interview: Black Label Magazine: The Origin Story Interview
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