Avery Ray Wants You To Crawl Into Bed With Her
Redhead solo girl Avery Ray looks pretty in pink as she strips naked in her bed to tease you! Avery wants company in her bed tonight… Do you think you could keep her warm this evening? Want more of this fun loving hottie? Enter Avery Ray’s Official Site!
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Ryan Driller Interview For Porn Corporation
1. How did you begin your career in the adult industry and how long have you been performing on camera?
RYAN DRILLER: I began my career in the adult industry back in March of 2008. I had, to an extent, always wanted to be in the industry, but that was kind of a non-logical or plausible thought from where and when I grew up (Littleton, CO in the 90’s). I got my in, in the industry and my chance to try out and see if it was possible. They kept calling me back, so I figured that I’ll keep capitalizing on that and almost 10 years later, I’m working more every year than the previous.
2. Please tell us about your upbringing, heritage & family. Where were you born and what was it like growing up for you? Does your family support your choice of profession?
RYAN DRILLER: I grew up in Littleton, Colorado. My family was a good, wholesome, middle America, Upper Middle Class, family. Church on Sundays, school plays, swim meets, soccer games, the usual stereotype. It was a good and healthy household too. But, it was in that conservative part of the country, where sex just wasn’t discussed between parents and children, and the magazines and scrambled porn were most of our introductions to sex and what it was. Granted, at the same time, there wasn’t a “dirty” stigma to sex. So, I think that when I started seeing porn, either through magazines we’d found hidden amongst our homes, or the scrambled channels, or on that new thing called the internet. Our curiosities piqued, and new thoughts were grown.
When I was 18, I moved to Key West and really did some growing up there. While most people went to college and saw the new world to them, without their parents hanging over them, I was on my own on an island of debauchery, with a revolving door of new tourists to introduce me to the world all at once. Suddenly, my conservative Middle America teachings were kind of overshadowed by how the North East practices their lives, or the West Coast, or Miami and so on. Suddenly, my thoughts that I could be in porn, and that there was nothing wrong with it, made even more sense. So, I went for it.
Now, my family is ok with it. I wouldn’t say that any of them are running to brag to their friends and coworkers that I do what I do. I wouldn’t necessarily say out of shame, but probably because they don’t want to have the following conversations like, “You don’t really want to see your sibling or son having sex, do you?” My family knows I’m happy, and that I’m doing alright. They know that I’m not tied up in anything illicit or that could throw me in jail. They know I’m not going to wake up in a gutter, with a needle stuck in my arm. They still know me as kind of a nerd and a goody-goody, who may enjoy a beer at night, or to go camping and snowboarding. I’m not the stereotype people think of when they think of sex workers: broken, traumatized, drug addicts and the like.
3. When did you know you wanted to be a pornstar? Were you always such a stud, are you a natural born ladies man?
RYAN DRILLER: I knew I wanted to be a pornstar when I started seeing porn. Just, at the time, I was supposed to follow the cliché life of graduating High School, going to College, get married, become a Veterinarian, move to the suburbs, have 2 or 3 kids with a dog in the back yard and the white picket fence.
Admittedly, I was a geek in high school. I was not a stoner, or a jock, or a band geek, or an honor student. I was friendly with everyone, on the swim team, and in the Art League. I designed and built the winning homecoming float, that was simultaneously used as the decorations for the Homecoming Dance.
I went to parties with every clique, but I was just kind of there in my school. I dated the girls at other schools, which left my sex life a mystery to my classmates.
I thought I was a late bloomer because I lost my virginity days after Senior Prom and just before Graduation. Turns out, I was ahead of the curve with the majority of my friends.
Leading up to that moment, I was dating 3 girls, that all knew each other. I hooked up with a lot of girls since then. I wouldn’t say that I’m a “Ladies Man” but at the same time, I was very successful. Though my fails are the stories of legends. My friends used me as bait at the bars: I held down a table, while they went to grab drinks. Took me a couple years to realize that my buddies then stood off to the side waiting until a random group of girls would ask to join me at the table. I never used lines to pick up girls, other than: “Hi, you’re hot.” When they would come by and smile at me. I never went to bed alone when I didn’t want to, but at the same time, I wasn’t just out on the prowl, and looking for another notch on my bedpost either.
4. Prior to becoming an adult superstar what did you do for work?
RYAN DRILLER: I did a little of everything possible. In no particular order, I worked in a lot of restaurants, mostly the known chains, as a server and bartender. I ran a high adventure camp in Florida (Camping on a remote island with no running water or electricity, sailing, snorkeling, SCUBA diving, Deep Sea Fishing) where I started as camp counselor and climbed the ranks to Director and obtained my USGC Captain’s License. I was the Promotions Coordinator for a radio station group (4 individual stations) in Denver. I was undercover security and Loss Prevention for Six Flags. I was a Cell Phone Salesman for Nextel for a couple years. I taught Swim Lessons and was Lifeguard. Mostly, I was a Camp Director, and Bartender in the off seasons. I tried college a handful of times, never finding my lane to complete it in. So, I learned mostly from life experiences and found where I’m supposed to be in life.
5. What is your favorite part of working in the adult industry?
RYAN DRILLER: Besides the obvious, I’m assuming? I love that I dictate my own schedule. I love that I don’t have to censor myself into what corporate wants. Yes, I have to play the political game with companies to make sure that I represent them in a way they want, or that I don’t rock the boat too much to tarnish my own name.
I love that I get to work with such amazing people. We may have somehow ended up on the end of our communities as the degenerate outcasts, but if you get to know your neighboring porn star, you may just find out that we’re some of the best people to know.
6. In general people can underestimate the raw amount of work that goes into filming porn. How hard is it to stay in character and maintain stamina during a shoot? What else does the job entail that people watching the finished product don’t get to see?
RYAN DRILLER: For starters, how many people do you know have sex for more than 7 minutes tops? Much less for the 25 min that you see in the scene that you’re watching online or on that DVD? That in and of itself is an incredible amount of work. Other than that, I really don’t want to answer or say, because it ruins the fantasy, or can ruin the fantasy, when you peel back the curtain to see how porn all works. It would be like watching the cow be slaughtered for your burger you’re eating right now. All I’ll say, is that being in porn is not for everyone. The idea is great, but it does take a particular kind of person to succeed in it. Those of us that do, love it.
7. We have a lot of men contact us asking how to get into the adult business and reaching out saying they want to be a male pornstar. What advice can you give guys who want to get into the business and what tips can you provide for up and coming new male performers?
RYAN DRILLER: My advice is DON’T. I say that because most of the guys asking everyone they can, are not going to make it. To those that are serious, you have to go through the right channels and means. I wish I knew exactly what that was. The industry has changed since I got in. I applied to craigslist ads. I made my contacts on set after that, and was passed around from there. Agencies are hit up every day by 1000 guys saying that they want to get into porn, so they just disregard male applications. You have to do something to stand out, and your dick pic is not it. To the guys that are in it and that are up and coming. Hold out. I mean that in the sense that it’s probably going to be a slow start. Be humble. Like I said earlier, though, the industry is not for everyone. You’re not always going to be fucking your porn crush in that perfect setting you’ve always envisioned. Sometimes you’re doing something totally out of your wheelhouse. You have to comfortable with it, but it’s not what you’d be doing in your free time. Not to mention, the crew. It’s not you and her. It’s you, her, lighting, sound, photographer, grips, director, cameramen, PA’s other talent waiting for their scenes, assistants, homeowners, etc.
8. How important is to you is having chemistry with the female actresses on set?
RYAN DRILLER: It’s very important to me for there to be some chemistry between my female counterpart and I. You can tell when there’s no chemistry between people.
9. We know you, Ryan Driller have starred in over 700 porn scenes. How many women have you slept with?
RYAN DRILLER: In scenes, as of today, I have slept with 1021 women.
10. Sex on camera is a performance art, how does having intercourse on camera and having sex in real life differentiate for you? Are you currently in a relationship?
RYAN DRILLER: It’s 100% different on camera verses real life. On camera, it’s a performance, and has to be displayed as such. As intimate as it may seem, it’s still vastly different in real life. On Camera, I’m fucking for the viewers enjoyment. In real life, I’m having sex for my girl’s pleasure. It’s also very much so the difference between fucking and making love. Yes, there’s chemistry with both, but it’s not the same.
11. What is your favorite position or sexual act?
RYAN DRILLER: In all honesty, it varies with every girl. I do love missionary, because it feels amazing and I see all of her best features. Having the girl on top is great for many women, because I hit the G-spot perfect, and her eyes can roll in the back of her head with a mind-numbing orgasm. It’s a win-win.
12. What about turn-ons and turn offs? Please tell us what makes you horny and what kills the mood for you.
RYAN DRILLER: Passion, honesty, true character all turn me on immensely. A woman who loves herself and knows her body is so sexy. Vapid, vain, and stupidity drive me crazy and kill my libido faster than anything else.
13. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
RYAN DRILLER: Sexually or just in life? I incited an orgy at a bar on 4th of July years ago. It wasn’t a sex club, just a regular bar. I wasn’t drinking at all. Security ended up locking the doors and letting all of us in the place just have at it. In life, let’s just say that I’m surprised I’m alive still to answer this. I wrestled sharks for fun, hung off buildings to hang 40 feet banners in wind storms for work, done construction with heavy machinery in a swimsuit, pulled stunts that should have killed several of us. I’ve dropped everything, gotten on a plane, and fled the country, several times. For every wise decision I’ve ever made, I’ve made a doozy of a dumb one.
14. When you’re not busy filming porn. What do you like to do and what are your hobbies?
RYAN DRILLER: I cook, hike, play with my dogs. I venture around the world experiencing all the cultures and people I can find. I paint, woodwork, drink, camp. I explore physically, and psychologically. I watch movies, people and my surroundings. I lay low, and I play big.
15. You obviously hit the gym. What’s your workout and fitness routine? What tips do you have for getting in shape and keeping a great bod?
RYAN DRILLER: This year I’ve been changing it up so much, and taking so much time off, that I don’t even know what I do anymore. I don’t spend more than an hour at the gym, altogether. The gym is there to get me to be able to do the things I enjoy, not for me to live at the gym. Lately, I focus one muscle group a day when I go. I hike every day with my dogs and friends. I bike, I swim, and I think I’m going to run a marathon next year.
My tips are: Don’t live at the gym. Work out to feel good, not to look good. Eat what you want, but in moderation. Don’t feel bad about missing a day at the gym, or eating the cupcake. You’ll be healthier when you actually believe you are. If I feel bad about eating a piece of pizza, I feel bad physically after eating it. If I just enjoy the pizza, knowing that it’s ok for me to eat it, it doesn’t make me feel blah or lethargic. I don’t lose any tone and bloat up like Jabba the Hut because I ate a piece of pizza. My body digests it and uses what it needs from the pizza and I’m good to go. Don’t focus on any numbers. I’ve weighed 200lbs four times in my life, with four totally different body shapes and builds. That number doesn’t mean shit.
16. I’m a big fan of parodies and I love your Superman roles. I think you make a quintessential Superman. How does it feel when your filming the parodies and how much fun is it to film as Superman with Axel Braun and his team?
RYAN DRILLER: Thank you so much. I love it so much. Axel is great, and even better, he’s a fan of Superman as well. So, he wants to do it right and as any fan would want to see the character come to life.
17. Your 8th role as Superman has just been released in the brand new Justice League XXX parody [check it out!] from Wicked. Please tell us about the new movie and about shooting your scene in Justice League.
RYAN DRILLER: Our take on Justice League is a little different from the big studio one coming out next. Ours does kind of pick up where some of the other Axel movieverse movies have left off. So, I’m back on the Kent Farm, keeping myself powerless with a distilled Kryptonite drink, sulking in my own despair with how I feel the world is going.
As some of the outside forces are starting to become known, some of the other heroes are starting to band together to prepare themselves. What’s the line about too many cooks in the kitchen? You can say that they need a solid, good leader to rally them together, but everyone is used to being their own boss. They do try to recruit me, but you never know. [See photos from his new scene below this interview! And more from the new Justice League XXX movie here.]
18. You’re more than just the x-rated man of steel and a porn stud. We know you have experience in acting and mainstream. Please enlighten your fans and our readers on more aspects of your work outside of the adult industry.
RYAN DRILLER: Most of my mainstream stuff has been Indies where I was more of a background extra. Still working on my big break, there. I love acting though, and I’m working very hard to grow that side of my resume.
19. Are you filming any upcoming scenes right now you can share with us? Please tell us about your upcoming events, business plans and career aspirations. Are you currently working on any other projects that you can let us in on?
RYAN DRILLER: I wish I could point you to more specific scenes, but 95% of the stuff that I shoot, I never actually know when it’s coming out, what the final title is going to be, and sometimes even which actual studio is releasing it. So, safe bet is to keep your eyes peeled. I shoot quite a bit and new stuff comes out every day. The big releases this year, were Justice League XXX, Naked and An Inconvenient Mistress.
20. You always leave your fans wanting more… When can we expect to see an official Ryan Driller website?
RYAN DRILLER: We’ll see…
21. Where can our readers and your fans connect with you more? Please share with us your official social media accounts.
RYAN DRILLER: I’m on Instagram and Twitter, both are @RyanDriller.
22. Leave our readers with a taste of the delicious Ryan Driller. If you were ice cream what flavor would you be?
RYAN DRILLER: Hmm, Mint Chocolate Chip! I’ll let you fill in the blanks there.
23. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans, our readers or your comrades in the adult industry?
RYAN DRILLER: I have to share my overwhelming gratitude towards all my fans, the readers and my comrades in the industry, for letting me do what I do, for watching what I do, and for seemingly enjoying what I do. I know that I love it, so it’s always nice to know that there are others out there that appreciate it. Love you all!
Do you think Poison Ivy [Jessa Rhodes] can use her sexual powers to convince Clark Kent aka. Superman [Ryan Driller] to join forces with the Justice League? There is only one way to find out… Get your $1 PASS to Wicked & watch the brand new Justice League XXX porn parody inside!
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NEW: Justice League XXX: A Wicked Comix Porn Parody […more awesome photos!]
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